If you successfully apply for a Pay Simply Be account with us, you will be provided with a credit limit you can use to order items without having to pay upfront, allowing you to spread the cost over a number of months should you wish. This is a rolling credit account, which means that once payments have been received for previously ordered items, credit (minus any interest or charges) will be made available for use on future purchases.
We'll send you a statement every 28 days (this means you will get 13 statements in a year) showing:
- What items have been sent to you
- What you've returned
- If any fees and charges have been applied
- Any payments you've made towards your account
- The outstanding balance to pay
- The minimum payment required
- Available to spend
We offer a variety of payment options - please see How do I make a payment on my account? for more details.
- If you choose to make the minimum payment, or you pay less than the full outstanding balance, an interest charge will be applied to your account. This charge is calculated based on your statement's opening balance, any prior period interest due and any interest due on administration charges.
- If you only make the minimum payment each month, it will take you longer and cost you more to clear your balance, which could result in your account falling into long term borrowing.
- If you fail to make at least the minimum payment by the due date shown on your statement, you’ll incur an administration charge of £12.
- If you pay off the full balance before the due date, you won't pay any interest. So you would only pay the total amount of items ordered.
- As we send you a statement every 28 days, you'll receive 13 statements per year and each year there will be a month where you'll receive two statements. This also means that two payments will be due in one month - we'll let you know in advance when these payments need to be made.
The exact terms that will apply to your account, including your APR (Annual Percentage Rate), will be detailed in your credit agreement. Subject to a successful online application, you can print and/or download the document to keep for future reference.