• When a variation to a credit agreement is put into place your credit facility will be temporarily removed from this and any other account you have with us, this means you won't be able to place any orders on credit with us whilst the arrangement is in place. Any agreed payment arrangement information will be reflected on your credit file and is regularly updated. This could affect your ability to obtain credit and any late payments will be recorded on your credit file. Payments are required every 28 days and must reach us by the due date on your statement. If you keep your minimum payments up to date any reminder letters, calls and late payment charges will stop. If the minimum payments are not received on time, this could result in the arrangement being cancelled. Payment arrangements are a temporary measure and will be reviewed on a regular basis, if we make any changes to an arrangement, we will send you notification in writing. Please be aware, that whilst your account remains on a payment arrangement, it may be sold/passed to a third party collection agency who will then administer the account. We will confirm this in writing to you separately, including details of your first payment date.

If you’d prefer that this information is not recorded this can be removed. More information about how we process personal data and your rights can be found in our privacy policy which is available on our website (under ‘My Account> Privacy Policy) or a copy can be emailed or posted to you.

(if you have no further information, please enter N/A)

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