If you have a serious or long-term illness, or additional needs due to a disability, please contact us and let us know how we can support you. We'll take the time to listen and help you fully understand all the options available.
If you are struggling financially due to your illness or disability, we can help you with that too.
What we can offer
✔ More convenient delivery and returns
This could be collecting your returns from your home via a courier (subject to parcel terms and conditions).
✔ Visual and hearing impairment aids
- We can provide large print statements and letters
- We’re trained to handle any calls from Relay UK. It’s a call service which verbally relays any text you type to us.
- Screen readers are available on our websites
✔ Additional support
We can let you know about charities and organisations that can help and support you.
✔ Third Party Authority
You can appoint a trusted friend or family member to help you manage your account. Simply contact us and let us know you'd like to authorise this person to discuss your account. You'll need to provide the following details:
- Their name
- Their relationship to you
- How long you'd like to provide authority for (permanent or temporary basis)
- Whether you want them to have one-off or continuous authority. You can decide if you'd like your trusted person to have the ability to manage your account just once, or from now on
Power of Attorney / Court of Protection
You can email a copy of the document to general.enquiries@simplybe.co.ukOr post a copy of the document to:
Customer Contact Centre
40 Lever Street
M60 6ES
Please do not send the original as it will not be returned.
Everything you tell us is in complete confidence and will be used to support you in the best way possible. You should only need to tell us once and we’ll do our best to support your needs.